The National Institute of Plant Genome Research was established in 1998
as a DBT-aided autonomous institution with the mission to undertake, aid,
promote, guide and coordinate research of high caliber in basic and applied
plant molecular biology. All biological
research has been permeated by genomics and, as a result, new ways of
understanding plant life and tailoring crops by genomic enhancement are
emerging. NIPGR has nurtured different
areas of Plant Molecular Biology and grown into a vibrant institution for plant
genomics education and research which has provided novel options for genetic
improvement of agricultural output in terms of quality and quantity.
We are
living in an era of rapid scientific innovation and gains. A young institution like ours has the
opportunity to make use of this window to take up the challenge of creating new
knowledge worthy of translation into such resources which can be evaluated to
perform better in the real space. The
challenge is to select appropriate areas of activity, create synergy in the
action and interface with National Agriculture Research System or industry to
translate the outcome into social benefits.
The Institute has carefully selected some of the areas of activity after
wide consultations and recognizing the strength of the Institute. Focus has been on programmes involving
multiple groups of Scientists within the Institute, while providing them space
for individual creativity, and collaborations have been established with other
institutions and industries in India and outside.
The vision
of NIPGR is to generate new knowledge in the area of plant genomics, assimilate
it with current knowledge and translate the same for genetic enhancement of
plants for social benefits. NIPGR is
growing into a vibrant institution and we expect to make such academic and
innovative contributions which are recognized world over and are able to
contribute to the upliftment of farmers and less endowed people in India.
The research
programmes being pursued in the Institute are grouped in areas like
Computational Biology, Genome Analysis and Molecular Breeding, Molecular
Mechanisms of Abiotic Stress Response, Nutritional Genomics, Plant Development
& Architecture, Molecular Breeding and Plant Immunity. Our major target crops include chickpea, rice
and tomato. NIPGR contributed to the sequencing
of entire tomato genome and has acquired the capacity to sequence and generate de novo genome-wide assembly in Next
Generation Challenge Programme on Chickpea Genomics. We have also discovered and demonstrated use
of several novel genes for enhanced nutrition, better shelf-life, abiotic
stress tolerance and appropriate plant architecture. Our efforts on proteomics have been highly
rewarding in defining function of stress-related genes. Another important area of research involves
marker development to assist molecular breeding and plant immune response to
pathogens causing diseases like blast and blight.
NIPGR always
tries to map and incorporate the components which propel the institution to
strive for excellence. DBT has always
been supportive in enriching institution with such elements and the innovative
ideas, which emerge from the advice of experienced brains serving on various
institutional committees. We would like
to see the biotechnology recognized as “strategic area” to draw upon the
“positive energy” it brings. We would
also like to see participation of industry in our strategic research from the
beginning and share the responsibility of translating the same into useful
There is no
doubt that more input in agriculture biotechnology will improve the impact of
biotechnology in India. There is a need
of strengthening biotechnology institutions, creation of vibrant biotechnology
education & research system in university and well-deserved encouragement
to the industry. In particular, regional
hubs for genomics-assisted breeding and containment facilities for testing
genetically modified corps need to be established to help plant breeders access
the same in their efforts to improve the crop varieties.
I have some urine samples to perform GCMS-TOF. Kindly let me know the price of the procedure and contact details.